
Places. People. Things. Go here. Short, little sentences fit best. Your likes and dislikes. Name. Bold some things. Make some other things smaller. But don't go crazy with it. Or then it looks tacky. Don't forget bands. People you like. People you hate. Silly things you do. Adjectives that describe you. So on and so forth.

aim screen name here
best height - 160px
best width - 100px

Don't have a c-box?

Go here to get one.


Post Frame
Main BG: #bae0c3
Main text: #b61576
Main date: #bae0c3
Alt. BG #bae0c3
Alt text: #b61576
Alt. date: #bae0c3
Form Frame
Field BGs: #96af8b
Button BG: #96af8b
Form BG: #bae0c3
Field text: #000000
Button text: #000000
Field borders: #bae0c3
Scroll BG: # bae0c3
Track BG: # bae0c3
Arrow: # 000000
Border: # bae0c3
Font: small fonts
Main: 7pt
Date: 5pt
Form: 7pt
(Under Sample C-Box)
Border: #bae0c3
Link (active): #000000
Link (normal): #000000

Designed by disco is dead with help from here. No taking my things for walks, I will find you if you do.
letter in a bottle on 12/28

This is an area for you to blog and what not. It's pretty spiffy if you ask me. But seeing how I made it of course I would think it is pretty spiffy. So you can talk all you want here, go crazy, this is your time to shine. Please be aware that these layouts are not mibba friendly so watch out for those.

Feel free to use this layout with one rule in mind, no jocking. Because I would frown upon that, that I would. All you have to do is copy the code down there and tada! Your very own ga-ga premade!

Douse yourself in cheap perfume.

written on seashells on 12/26

This is another one of those super nifty blog type layouts so you have no worries about deleting old posts so you can just on writing in that handy dandy little notebook of yours for Blues Clues, or life stories you know either one works. You can talk about anything in these blog really; site updates, new happenings going on in your life, or crazy childhood stories. Just hopefully people read. Because it would be boring if they didn't.

Well now I am just babbling like a bubbling baboon, I am pretty sure that made no sense whatsoever, but who cares because I highly doubt that you will read this. And if you do, you are one sad soul my friend. Well don't forget to spread the word about my site and I hope you enjoy!

talking shrimp on 12/4

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed cursus urna vitae mi. Ut sem dui, cursus fringilla, gravida non, posuere in, arcu. Suspendisse vestibulum nisi in justo. Vivamus eu sapien. Vivamus elementum nisi egestas lorem. Vivamus pharetra volutpat mi. Nulla facilisi. Sed tortor. Donec suscipit nunc vitae eros. Sed euismod.

Donec est. Curabitur laoreet laoreet enim. Fusce ac dolor. Proin nulla. Duis facilisis viverra ante. Nulla laoreet mollis velit. In eros elit, malesuada sed, ullamcorper sit amet, aliquam id, lectus. Quisque nulla nulla, adipiscing in, rutrum imperdiet, pretium id, risus. Nunc tortor augue, tempor at, accumsan at, suscipit vitae, justo. Duis et mi et diam consequat pretium. Fusce sodales tempus mi. Phasellus eget nibh ut mauris pretium porttitor. Morbi quis ligula viverra mi pharetra consequat. Maecenas sed sem. Aenean blandit urna vel nunc. Praesent a elit ullamcorper elit dapibus pulvinar.